An Evening with David Sedaris with Pre-Show Reception
Pre-Show Reception
Fri, July 21, 2023
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM MDT
Palm Arts
721 W Colorado Ave
Telluride, CO 81435
United States
An exclusive opportunity to join book lovers and friends of Ah Haa and the American Academy of Bookbinding for a special pre-show reception at the Palm Theater with complimentary beverages and snibbles. Your ticket also provides you with premiere event seating. [Your event ticket will be available for pick up at the Reception] Known for pulling at the threads of familiarity, Sedaris specializes in poignant comedy that is often mined from his unconventional childhood in North Carolina, his wildly varying stream of jobs, and his move to France with his partner. Never afraid to reveal personal anecdotes to audiences, his 2018 book, Calypso was a darkly comic collection of semi-autobiographical essays. A Grammy Award-nominated humorist, writer, comedian, bestselling author, and radio contributor, his laconic wit and delivery have ensured his place as one of America's best observant comedians and keenest students of the human condition.
TICKETS Selected during registration
Ah Haa Pre-Show Reception and An Evening with David Sedaris